Bus Services
The closest bus stop to RVF is the township of Warkworth. RVF is approximately 13 km north east of Warkworth. If taking the bus to Warkworth please consider using our Ride Share Forum to arrange transport from Warkworth to the farm. The following companies provide service to Warkworth:
Cycling / Walking / Driving Directions
If you are driving please consider using our Ride Share Forum
From the South
At Warkworth on Sate Highway 1 / Brown Rd intersection (2nd set of traffic lights) turn right. Follow the road as it veers to the left becoming Matakana Rd. There are sign posts indicating Leigh and Tauwharanui Regional Park.
At the round-about in Matakana village turn left onto Matakana Valley Road. RVF is approximately 4.5 km on the right hand side. Look for 4 letter boxes and our sign. Travel down our drive, 750 m. There is a car park just to the left, please park there, leaving your things in your car and walk to the registration point near the main-buildings.
Map: Warkworth to RVF
From the North
Follow the directions above after turning left off of State Highway 1 onto Matakana Rd (1st set of traffic lights). (From Wellsford: 33 km, 43 minutes)
Map: Wellsford to RVF
Alternatively, the back country route, from Wellsford: Head east on Matheson Rd, stay on Matheson Rd which becomes Whangaripo Valley Rd. Follow Whangaripo Valley Rd. for 14.7 km and take a slight right at Matakana Valley Rd. RVF is about 6 km on the left. There are about 3 km of unsealed road on this route. (From Wellsford: 22 km, 1 hour)
Map: Alternative route Wellsford to RVF
It is usually easy to hitch-hike from Warkworth to RVF. The best place to hitch-hike from is past the township of Warkworth on Matakana Rd., just past the turn-off to Sandspit Rd.
Hitching from anywhere north of Matakana should be no problem either.
It is much more difficult to hitch-hike from Auckland. The easiest way is to take a bus to Orewa and begin hitching at the northern end of the town.
It is usually an easy hitch from Matakana or Warkworth back to Auckland.
Hitch-hiking is usually safe in NZ but it is inadvisable for females to hitch-hike alone.